Dignity Hall Offers Sober Living in New Jersey For Everyone
Here at Dignity Hall, we offer sober living in New Jersey for those struggling to overcome their addiction and wanting to get their life back on track. It’s important to offer support to those who have decided to pursue a sober living home life, and to understand what to do. The first thing you should know is that your support means a lot to the person struggling with addiction, even if you cannot detect it. Offering loving support, yet also firm boundaries at the same time is one of the most useful things you can do for a loved one who lives in a sober living community.
Learn About Addiction
You can offer the best support for a friend or family member when you understand the reality of addiction and how it can change someone’s life. Drugs and alcohol have a significant physical impact on the brain or body, even after someone quits. Addiction also causes a host of behaviors that you should know about to avoid accidentally making it easier for your loved one to slip back into abusing.
For example, you may feel concerned that your friend or relative who dwells on past failures may give up on sobriety because it has proven too painful. While you cannot control another person’s actions, you can offer a listening ear, a ride to a support group, or an evening out in a sober environment. If you live close to the person considering sober living in New Jersey, you may want to consider joining a support group yourself such as Al-Anon for family and friends of alcoholics.
Refrain from Using Alcohol or Drugs Around the Newly Sober Person
Maybe you are a social drinker and have never had a problem drinking more than you should. However, the kindest thing you can do around a newly sober person is avoid setting them up for temptation even if you may not struggle with addiction yourself, even if it is around a holiday or special occasion.
This may not be necessary after your friend or family member has been sober for a while, but you at least want to give it several months. One of the most common struggles of people in recovery is that their old friend group still drinks alcohol or uses recreational drugs, causing them to feel left out.
Replacement Addictions are Common
People in early recovery are especially prone to replacing their former addiction with a new one such as smoking cigarettes, drinking a lot of soda, or eating too much. Others throw themselves into a new activity like becoming involved in a local church or working out several hours a day.
Even seemingly positive new habits can become addictive, so it is up to you if you want to voice any concerns you feel about a possible replacement addiction. Just be sure to approach from a place of kindness and understanding rather than judgment.
Dignity Hall Offers Sober Living in New Jersey
Sober living in New Jersey can be the difference between living a happy, sober life or relapse. Dignity Hall provides Southern New Jersey safe, sober living homes to help you continue your recovery. Our structured sober living homes let you become self-sufficient and independent from drugs and alcohol, with a little help. Call us today at 855.347.2452 to learn more about our sober living locations.